Maria Del Mar
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About Maria
Maria Del Mar was born in 1964 in Madrid, Spain.
Her family came to Canada, and after her father
passed away, they decided to stay here. Maria
was raised in Ottawa, Ontario, Canada. After
a short time in the Canadian Punk/Rock band
'Nationel Velvet' Maria starting acting. Maria
also studied east European Studies at Carleton
University in Ottawa. Some other projects
include the movie 'Price of Glory' with Jimmy
Smits, a recurring role on the TV Series
Relitivly and a role for a few years on the
Series 'Mercy Point'. Maria made her debut in
1989 on the series E.N.G. Maria Del Mar
currently splits her time between Toronto and
Los Angeles. She is married to Guy Mullally
and they have a four year old son named Gabriel.

About Inspector Victoria Castillo
Victoria has had a lot of character development in the last two seasons, Maria plays Vic to perfection! Although Vic has delt with many things in the past, she still manages to work on the most disturbing cases, and also worked her way up to the Inspector position, a rank that not many can achieve!

All the Past Projects

National Velvet
Maria was the lead singer in a Canadian Punk band called national velvet. They were around in the late 1980's. Maria eventually moved on to bigger and better things!!